KD&A News

Hip, Knee and Shoulder Joint Reclassification: Only 12 Months Remain

The TGA are working towards the deadline of 30 July 2014 to finalise the reclassification of total or partial hip, knee and should joints. In another step towards this deadline, the reclassification application fee waiver in place has ceased. Sponsors applying for reclassification will now pay the application fee for a Class III device (currently AUD$1180) to the TGA.

As described in our news story dated September 2012, reclassification applies to a number of products. The GMDN codes used to describe devices on the Australian Register for Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) listed below are considered to be affected by the reclassification requirements.

32831 33180 33695 33863 34197 35669 41522 48056 48092 58951
32832 33181 33704 33989 34198 35670 41557 48065 48093 90005
32833 33369 33710 34003 34199 35679 43167 48066 48094
32835 33580 33711 34032 34203 36135 43168 48067 48095
32836 33581 33712 34038 34204 36259 44267 48068 55833
32841 33664 33714 34076 34209 36315 44362 48069 55834
33074 33665 33715 34162 34223 38155 44855 48070 56710
33175 33667 33717 34190 35661 38156 46326 48088 58085
33177 33668 33719 34191 35666 38519 46585 48089 58227
33178 33692 33745 34192 35667 39702 47514 48090 58228
33179 33694 33746 34195 35668 40125 48055 48091 58950

The TGA are urging those affected to complete applications for reclassification as soon as possible to avoid a back-log resulting in slow progress leading up to the July 2014 deadline. The transition period (of which there is 12 months remaining) allows Sponsors to avoid the mandatory application audit which will be applied (attracting a TGA fee of AUD$6350) once the reclassification implementation is complete, and list their product as a Class III as required.

Any Class IIb listings remaining on the ARTG under the GMDN codes listed above will be deleted after the July 2014 deadline.

Where to now…

KD&A can assist Sponsors to either implement processes to work towards reclassification or carry out the process of identifying, reviewing and completing up-classification applications including ensuring all variants of devices have suitable listings and reviewing supporting documentation prior to submission to the TGA.   Contact us today for a personalised quotation.