
Health Canada Makes Changes to Medical Device Establishment Licensing Framework

Health Canada has changed its rules and requirements concerning Medical Device Establishment Licensing (MDEL), which provides a regulatory framework for selling or importing medical devices into Canada. Specifically, it serves as the method by which medical device companies selling on the Canadian market demonstrate to Health Canada that their product meets all of the applicable regulatory requirements. This includes procedural documentation, handling of complaints, storage and delivery of devices, and installation and servicing of devices (if applicable). KD&A can develop documentation in conjunction with your organisation to ensure the Health Canada regulatory......

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Six Essential Web Resources, Australian Medical Device & IVDs

The internet is a vast resource and hunting through available information can be time consuming  – making it difficult for you to find what you need, when you need it. As an Australian medical device or IVD manufacturer or sponsor there are some key websites which allow you to have valuable and reliable information at your fingertips.  The sites below are worth adding to your favourites list.   The Therapeutic Goods Administration website acts as an excellent resource, providing information such as the Australian Regulatory Guidelines for Medical Devices and IVD guidance......

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TGA Launches NEW Improved WEBSITE  - Find documents and guidance more easily

On 4 May 2011 the TGA is going to launch its new website.  A site map and navigation guide have been released by the TGA to assist users, these documents can be found at The  TGA information email service is also undergoing change, including more frequent emails and a new format....

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The Next Phase of the Global Harmonisation Task Force (GHTF) Evolution...

Recently there has been significant discussion on the future direction of the GHTF. In a statement released on March 28 2011, Larry Kelly, the chair of the GHTF,  confirmed that the current GHTF structure will morph into a Regulator’s Group. This was considered the best way to continue to work towards the objective of harmonised regulatory requirements by GHTF senior officials....

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TGA Release Additional IVD Guidance

New IVD requirements (Regulations implemented on July 1, 2010) have brought a number of challenges for IVD manufacturers and sponsors in Australia. To assist, the TGA have released a number of guidance documents, the most recent being ‘What a sponsor needs to know about conformity assessment and manufacturer’s evidence’. The guidance document is intended to describe the conformity assessment process in detail, along with providing specific instructions relating to manufacturer’s evidence. Despite the release of guidance documents, IVD manufacturer and sponsors still have their work cut out to ramp up regulatory actions......

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