Tag: Changes 2020 medical devices

TGA Medical Device Class I Update – Changes to the Australian Register of Therapeutic Good (ARTG) inclusion process for non-measuring, non-sterile Class I medical devices

What does this mean? The TGA has changed the inclusion process by which non-measuring, non-sterile Class I medical devices are included in the ARTG. The changes came into effect October 2020. What has changed? The TGA has modified the process, by which Class I inclusion applications in the ARTG are done. The application has been updated with additional requirements; applicants must now provide a manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity when applying to include the device on the ARTG. The Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity form for these devices has been amended, making it more......

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TGA’s Medical Device Regulatory Changing Landscape

In 2020, the TGA are implementing a range of changes to the medical device regulations due to a number of reasons; some of which include changes to the European device regulations and new technologies now considered medical devices. The TGA have released an Action Plan, which has a 3-strategy approach to implementing the changes. The Action Plan Strategy 1 – Improving how new devices get on the market The TGA is strengthening its assessment processes and oversight of how devices are approved for use on the Australian market. Better assessment of new......

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